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Kevin Krauter (Bayonet Rec) • Princesse • Le Loup / Supersonic

février 9, 2019 / 20h00 - 23h30


▬ Le Supersonic présente ▬


(Indie pop – Bayonet Records – USA)

An insightful songwriter with a lyrical style that is both economical and evocative, Kevin Krauter crafts unique soundscapes that scramble a range of influences: ‘60s flower pop, ‘70s easy listening, ‘80s New Wave, ‘90s alt-radio, ’00s indie rock. In between tours with his band Hoops, the Indiana musician spent long hours in his basement, guitars and vintage keyboards his only company, and tested out ideas, explored new sonic avenues, savored new sounds, and taught himself how to play a few instruments.

“I would wake up and have a cup of coffee, then I’d come up with a song or a melody and just sit and play it literally for three or four hours straight. Then I’d try to find new ways to play it, or do it with different notes or on different instruments. I don’t want to call it meditating, but it was pretty meditative to sit there by myself and play the same thing over and over and over and over.” The riffs and melodies became mantras, repeated back to himself until they became the rhythmically intricate, melodically bold, and emotionally complex songs on Toss Up.

Recorded at Russian Recording in Bloomington, Indiana, Toss Up builds on the sonic worlds of his first EP releases (2015’s Magnolia and 2016’s Changes), conveying a similar mood with a greater array of instruments and influences. You can hear those vintage keyboards merging on “Keep Falling in Love,” which recalls R&B organist Timmy Thomas and West Coast marina pop artists Ned Doheny while showing off Krauter’s strong falsetto. “Rollerskate” audaciously marries a hypnotic keyboard theme to a loping drumbeat based on a popular ‘90s alt-rock hit.“I had been working on that guitar part and it sounded like another pretty folk song, so I thought, What if I put this weird funky beat on top of it? Most of these songs are very groove heavy.”

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/kevinkrauterxo/
► Ecouter : https://kevinkrauter.bandcamp.com/
► Regarder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=101&v=Ig4_55lcE9E

(Pop sexysensible – Paris)

La pop électronique de ​Princesse met en scène le dialogue bancal entre le charnel et le mécanique. Avec ​trois coeurs blessés et ​six mains délicates, Princesse a pour ambition de ​consoler les âmes mélancoliques ​par​ son éthique du sexysensible, parce que jamais les amours meurtris n’ont trouvé meilleur réconfort que dans des notes bleues et sensuelles.

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/princesseband/
► Ecouter: https://soundcloud.com/princesseprincesse
► Regarder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKaRGrwyGcI

(Pop rock – Paris,FR)

Le loup est souvent présenté comme un symbole de la nature cruelle et
sauvage. Il n’en est rien, il est plutôt sociable et craintif. Certes discret, il
sait se faire entendre. Ses multiples vocalises s’entendent à plusieurs kilomètres à la ronde. Son hurlement permet, entre autre, la cohésion, du groupe, de la meute.

Après avoir sillonné les scènes de France pendant 6 ans avec le groupe de rock-indé Côme, le duo formé par François Byrski et Lucas Barbier se lance dans un nouveau projet : LeLoup.

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/leloupduo/
► Ecouter : https://soundcloud.com/leloup_paris


Samedi 9 Février 2018
Entrée gratuite jusqu’à 23h

– Ouverture des portes à 18h30
– Début des concerts vers 20h
– Happy Hour de 18h30 à 20h (3€50 la pinte)
– Hot Dog au bar


9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris
Métro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)
Inscription à la newsletter du Supersonic: http://bit.ly/1lWTnx4

Tarifs : Gratuit


Date :
février 9, 2019
Heure :
20h00 - 23h30
Prix :
Catégories d’Évènement:
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Site :


9 Rue Biscornet
Paris, 75012 France
01 46 28 12 90
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