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Of the Wand & the Moon • The Dark Red Seed • Vesperal / Free

mai 20, 2018 / 21h00 - 0h30


▬ Le Supersonic présente ▬


(Dark Folk – Tesco – Copenhagen)

«Of the Wand & the Moon are one of the big guns of contemporary neofolk. Arriving a generation after founders like Death in June, Sol Invictus, and Current 93, Of the Wand & the Moon have breathed new life into this beautiful and perennially misunderstood genre. OTWATM’s 2011 The Lone Descent LP is widely regarded as a neofolk masterpiece.
Of The Wand & The Moon is the creative live and recorded music works of Danish musician Kim Larsen (not to be confused with the Danish folk singer by the same name) and various guest contributors. After irreconcilable differences with his previous musical project, Saturnus, Larsen began writing music of a different vein, similar in style to his neofolk influences but very different than the doom metal he had previously created.
Characterized by folk songs with themes ranging from expressions of love, loss, joy and ancestral Germanic paganism, Of the Wand & the Moon is best described as experimental, dark ambient neofolk. When their debut album “Nighttime Nightrhymes” came out in 1999 it marked a new entry for Denmark in a new wave of Germanic post-industrial folk projects, alongside contemporaries such as Forseti and Sonne Hagal.»

► Liker: https://www.facebook.com/pg/wandmoon/
► Regarder: https://www.youtube.com/user/OTWATM/videos

→ THE DARK RED SEED (King Dude´s guitarist)
(Dark Folk – Prophecy Records – Usa)

«The Dark Red Seed is the musical outlet of Tosten Larson, guitarist for Seattle dark folk musician King Dude. A self-coined ‘metaphor for the heart’, The Dark Red Seed represents a direct reference to life – and death – itself. The duo, which also includes King Dude engineer Shawn Flemming, is now about to release its debut EP, « The Dark Red Seed Stands with Death ».
Raised in Kalispell, Montana and currently based in Portland, Oregon, Tosten Larson began his classical instruction as a young boy sitting at his grandmother’s piano. Firmly rooted in thetraditions of American music, Larson’s sound is equally shaped by art rock such as Swans and Six Organs of Admittance, Eastern masters like Kayan Kalhor and Ravi Shankar, and hard rock staples such as Led Zeppelin and Neil Young. Though he wears his influences on his sleeve, his music attempts to defy category and carve its own path.»

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkRedSeed/
► Ecouter: https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkRedSeed/

(Néofolk / Coldwave – Le Recours Aux Fôrets Productions – Paris,FR)

«Vesperal est un collectif de guitaristes éclos d’une volonté de renaissance de la musique folk. C’est à travers cette idée, l’abandon de la musique organique, qu’ils puisent leurs ambitions. Mêlant nappes de guitares éthérées, folk rythmique et chant alternant mélodie et spoken words, Vesperal délivre une folk noire, puissante, autant influencée par les classiques du genre que par le post punk ou même le shoegaze. C’est avec un premier album « Conqueror Of Emptiness » paru début 2018 que Vesperal nous livre sa vision corrosive et pessimiste du monde moderne.»

► Liker : https://www.facebook.com/Vesperalband/
► Ecouter: https://vesperal.bandcamp.com/
► Regarder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLwQfV7CvoE


Dimanche 20 Mai 2018
Entrée gratuite

– Ouverture des portes à 18h30
– Début des concerts vers 20h
– Hot Dog au bar


9 rue Biscornet, 75012 Paris
Métro Bastille (sortie rue de lyon)
Inscription à la newsletter du Supersonic: http://bit.ly/1lWTnx4

Tarifs : Gratuit


Date :
mai 20, 2018
Heure :
21h00 - 0h30
Prix :
Catégories d’Évènement:
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01 46 28 12 90
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